IP Sítě - AS1241 |
Rozsah adres: |
AS1241 |
Jméno sítě: |
Události: |
Registracenaposledy změněno |
Jméno třídy: |
autnum |
Poznámky: |
Nedefinováno: |
Forthnet Greek IP Service Provider GR The following BGP policy is applied to all customers - Private reserved networks and private AS numbers are not accepted and always filtered. - Prefixes longer than a /24 are not accepted. - Prefixes not matching import policy are rejected. Customers must always have a valid route object. - Prefix limit is placed upon the number of prefixes received including a percentage amount for future growth. - Advertisements tagged with communities other than the one outlined below are reset by default at ingress. - We honor well known communities no-export & no-advertise - We enforce strict RPKI policy, dropping INVALID routes on Transit and Peering links. Upstream Communities applied at ingress Upstream Community ----------------------- -------------- AS31042 1241:30020 AS31042 (path 1) 1241:30021 AS31042 (path 2) 1241:30022 AS6762 1241:30030 AS6762 (path 1) 1241:30031 AS6762 (path 2) 1241:30032 Upstream Communities applied at ingress Per City CITY - POP Community Athens - KLN 1241:30102 Thessaloniki - THR 1241:30104 Peering Communities applied at ingress EXCHANGE Community GRIX/DIRECT(national) 1241:30200 International Exchange (IX) 1241:30201 All Upstream and International IX Prefixes will be marked with community: 1241:30001 Customer Traffic Engineering Prepend to all Upstreams Action (RIPE description) Community --------------------------------- ----------- Prepend x1 to all Upstreams 1241:20001 Prepend x2 to all Upstreams 1241:20002 Prepend x3 to all Upstreams 1241:20003 Prepend x4 to all Upstreams 1241:20004 Prepend to AS31042 (SBB) Prepend x1 to AS31042 (all paths) 1241:20201 Prepend x1 to AS31042 (path 1) 1241:20211 Prepend x1 to AS31042 (path 2) 1241:20221 Prepend x2 to AS31042 (all paths) 1241:20202 Prepend x2 to AS31042 (path 1) 1241:20212 Prepend x2 to AS31042 (path 2) 1241:20222 Prepend x3 to AS31042 (all paths) 1241:20203 Prepend x3 to AS31042 (path 1) 1241:20213 Prepend x3 to AS31042 (path 2) 1241:20223 Prepend x4 to AS31042 (all paths) 1241:20204 Prepend x4 to AS31042 (path 1) 1241:20214 Prepend x4 to AS31042 (path 2) 1241:20224 Prepend to AS6762 (Seabone) Prepend x1 to AS6762 (all paths) 1241:20301 Prepend x1 to AS6762 (path 1) 1241:20311 Prepend x1 to AS6762 (path 2) 1241:20321 Prepend x2 to AS6762 (all paths) 1241:20302 Prepend x2 to AS6762 (path 1) 1241:20312 Prepend x2 to AS6762 (path 2) 1241:20322 Prepend x3 to AS6762 (all paths) 1241:20303 Prepend x3 to AS6762 (path 1) 1241:20313 Prepend x3 to AS6762 (path 2) 1241:20323 Prepend x4 to AS6762 (all paths) 1241:20304 Prepend x4 to AS6762 (path 1) 1241:20314 Prepend x4 to AS6762 (path 2) 1241:20324 Blackholing ------------------------------ ------------ Blackhole Traffic in AS31042 1241:20920 Blackhole Traffic in AS6762 1241:20930 Blackhole Traffic in DE-CIX 1241:20950 Blackhole Traffic in all Upstreams that support it 1241:20999 Upstreams -------------------------------- Peers DEC-IX (German Internet EXchange) --------------------------------- AMS-IX (Amsterdam Internet EXchange) GRIX (Greek Internet EXchange) PEERINGS PRIVATE PEERINGS Customers |
Oznámení: |
Filtrovaný: |
This output has been filtered.
Hlášení nepřesnosti Whois: |
This output has been filtered. If you see inaccuracies in the results, please visit: https://www.ripe.net/contact-form?topic=ripe_dbm&show_form=true ( Nepřesnost-hlášení ) |
Zdroj: |
This output has been filtered. If you see inaccuracies in the results, please visit: Objects returned came from source RIPE
Pravidla a podmínky: |
This output has been filtered. If you see inaccuracies in the results, please visit: Objects returned came from source RIPE This is the RIPE Database query service. The objects are in RDAP format. http://www.ripe.net/db/support/db-terms-conditions.pdf ( Podmínky služby ) |
Stav: |
Aktivní |
Odkazy: |
https://rdap.db.ripe.net/autnum/1241 ( Já )
http://www.ripe.net/data-tools/support/documentation/terms ( Copyright )
server Whois: |
whois.ripe.net |
Shoda: | nro_rdap_profile_asn_flat_0, cidr0, rdap_level_0, nro_rdap_profile_0, redacted |